Course ID: BZO-SI>0825.6.E
Course title: APIARY ECONOMY (II)
Semester: 6 / Spring
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 15 hours
Field of study: Animal Science
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: optional
Contact person: dr Paweł Migdał; pawel.migdal@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: https://sylabus.upwr.edu.pl/en/document/1a58c21c-ac1e-4e68-8259-cfe7a32d9efa.pdf
Full description: Economic significance of a honey bee, beekeeping economy, bee-keeping works, construction and equipment of hives, apiary health and safety, bee diseases and pests, basics of genetics and breeding of honey bees, rearing of bee mothers, bee utilization base, beekeeping economics, marketing of bee products. Student knows and understands: construction and vital functions of the honey bee, rules of apiary economy and understands the impact of weather and environment on the functioning of bee families, fundamentals of economics, marketing and marketing of bee products, Student can: distinguish between selected methods of breeding and breeding honey bees, distinguish the main species of beneficial plants used by bees, perform beekeeping work and review bee nests.
Learning outcomes:
Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

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